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Letter from Toronto Home Missions Council, to Mrs. Libero Sauro, October 12, 1940 - solo in inglese
Letter from Toronto Home Missions Council, to Mrs. Libero Sauro, October 12, 1940.
Rev. Libero Sauro was arrested on September 7, 1940 and held at Don Jail before being transferred to Petawawa Internment Camp.
The majority of internees were men with families, and often the sole breadwinners. The assets of most internees were seized by the Custodian of Enemy Property. Bank accounts were frozen. Wives, or other family members, had to request the government’s permission to access funds. The women did whatever it took to make ends meet.
In this letter, Clementina is informed by the United Church that she will continue to receive her husband's pay, although reduced, until the outcome of his hearing. This is a unique example. In fact, in other circumstances, families had to fight to receive the last pay righfully due to their husbands.
This document forms part of a collection of documents and other materials donated by the Sauro family.
12 ottobre 1940
Recto: [t-b, l-r]: [printed on paper] MALCOLM STRACHAN / PRESIDENT / A. P. JOHNSTON / VICE-PRESIDENT / CHARLES E. EDMONDS / TREASURER / REV. J. C. TORRANCE, B.A. / SECRETARY / The Toronto Home Missions Council / The United Church of Canada / CHURCH EXTENSION / FRESH AIR CAMPS / TREBLE SCHOOL HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE / WELFARE / SPARROW LAKE VACATION CAMP / HOSPITAL VISITATION / VICTOR HOME FOR WOMEN / 139 JARVIS STREET, TORONTO 2 / ELGIN 9022 [typed] October 12th, 1940. / Mrs. Libery Sauro, / 104 Millwood Road, / TORONTO, Ontario. / Dear Mrs. Sauro; / Confirming our telephone conversation this / morning the Executive of the Board of Home Missions at its / recent meeting decided that we would continue to pay Mr. Sauro’s / salary until his case is finally disposed of – and [in ink] he is either / interned for the duration of the war or released. In case his is / interned the salary will cease. It was further decided to pay the / salary direct to you, but that our office should deduct from it / sufficient to pay for pulpit supply. / In the light of the above information from the / Executive, we are enclosing Cheque made direct to you covering / the salary for the month of October. We have, however, deducted / $30.00 from the October cheque and that will pay Mr. Scarlatta / up to and including Sunday, the 13th of October, at the rate of / $5.00 per Sunday. From then, the middle of each month we shall / pay Mr. Scarlatta at the rate of $25.00 per month. / Yours very sincerely, [signature in ink] [typed] Secretary, / The Toronto Home Missions Council. / JCT//B. / Enc. – Cheque - $78.33
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