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Rischi per la democrazia … o vittime dello stato?
L'esperienza italocanadese durante la seconda guerra mondiale è un argomento complesso, spesso con punti di vista contrastanti.
Questo avvenimento storico poco noto solleva anche molti interrogativi, compreso quello sul perché dovremmo interessarcene.
Nella ricerca delle risposte, vi invitiamo a esplorare le questioni e discuterne in modo rispettoso.
Aiutaci a far crescere la raccolta. Condividete la storia della vostra famiglia, aggiungete dati alle biografie degli internati, inviate video sulla vostra località o contattateci per donare un oggetto.
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Exhibit Opening Sept. 19, 2014 - Windsor Community Museum - solo in inglese
17 settembre 2014
0 commentsPOST-EVENT RELEASE - June 28, 2013: Columbus Centre unveils Riflessi: Italian Canadian Internment Memorial - solo in inglese
28 giugno 2013
On Wednesday, June 26, 2013, Columbus Centre unveiled Riflessi, a new monument that explores the struggles and successes of the Italian Canadian immigrant story and the Italian Canadian internment history.
1 commentsMEDIA ADVISORY: June 26 2013 - Columbus Centre of Toronto unveils Riflessi, an original commissioned - Solo in inglese
26 giugno 2013
Media Advisory - June 26, 2013 - Unveiling of Riflessi
My father Thomas Joseph Carbone, POW 311 - solo in inglese
15 febbraio 2013
Upon release on Nov. 20, 1940, Thomas (Tom) Joseph Carbone, P.Eng., returned home and was immediately reinstated to his position as Engineer at Buffalo Ankerite Gold Mines, Ltd., where…
3 commentsMy grandfather - solo in inglese
06 febbraio 2013
I am the grandson of Luigi Gialleonardo (#P985). My last name is Leonardo, and I will explain in this brief how this shortened version came about. I will also illustrate the nonsense…
- We celebrate #MuseumDay. Come check out Memories of World War II Italian Canadians as Enemy Aliens #Ordinarylives #ICEA @IcomOfficiel
18 May 16 - Check out Ordinary Lives in Trail,BC. #ICEA #columbuscentre #weweretheenemy
12 Jan 16 - Ordinary lives opens at Trail & District Public Library on Jan. 11, 2016
Here is a quick preview! #exhibit #ICEA pic.twitter.com/f5SLllXstO
8 Jan 16 - Aldo Bacci designated WWII enemy alien passed away on Dec 24/15. In his memory we would like to share his story italiancanadianww2.ca
30 Dec 15 - Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary times travels to Trial, BC on Jan 11- Mar 31 Trail & District Public Library!
#ICEA #exhibitopening
24 Dec 15 - Galileo Ricci designated WWII enemy alien passed away on Sept 15.In his memory, we would like to share his story.italiancanadianww2.ca
21 Sep 15 - Share your stories!
#icea #columbuscentre #weweretheenemeny pic.twitter.com/Yi5pTANdfW
16 Jun 15 - June 10,1940 - Italy declared war on France and Britain. In addition, Canada declared war on Italy. #WeRemember #ICEA #history
10 Jun 15 - Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Times Opens Today @guelphmuseums
#opening #WWII For more info --italiancanadianww2.ca pic.twitter.com/ktQ65w1PKE
24 Apr 15 - #OrdinaryLivesExtraordinaryTimes #ItalianCanadian #WWII @ItCanWWII reopened.Come visit & learn of our shared history! pic.twitter.com/cV3pfq3hcg
21 Apr 15
- We celebrate #MuseumDay. Come check out Memories of World War II Italian Canadians as Enemy Aliens #Ordinarylives #ICEA @IcomOfficiel