Tag: [katana]
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A Montreal Gazette cartoon/illustration by Aislin. Aislin is the alias of Christopher Terry Mosher,…
Anthony De Marco was born on August 16, 1920 in Reggio, Calabria, Italy and is the eldest of three…
Gloria Giroux (Costantini) is the daughter of Giuseppe (Joe) Costantini who was detained on June 10,…
This object story features Gloria Giroux (Costantini) at her home in Ottawa, Ontario on August 17,…
Vladimira Dalle Vedove Tontini's father was born in Friuli, Italy and her mother was born in Pesaro,…
Gerard and Victor Di Battista are the sons of Luigi Di Battista, an Italian immigrant who came to…
Trina Costantini-Powell talks about the framed double sketches of her grandfather, Giuseppe Costantini,…
Trina Costantini-Powell is the granddaughter of Giuseppe (Joe) Costantini who was detained on June…
Teresa Pateras was born in the Montreal neighbourhood of Mile End in 1929. She was born to Salvatore…
Grace Tomasicchio was born on December 29, 1932 in Toronto, ON. Grace was one of seven children born…
This is a follow-up interview with Vincenza Travale talking more about her family's experiences during…
Leonard Pennachetti was born in St. Catharines, ON on July 15, 1954. His grandfather, Giuseppe Pennachetti,…
The three Visocchi sisters (Elisa, Josée and Rosetta), all Canadian-born, speak about their experiences…
Photograph of Luigi Pancaro (left) with David Butti, aboard the Giulio Cesare, May 1958.
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Black and white portrait of Annie Franceschini and daughter Myrtle, Toronto, ON, ca. 1921. Annie was…
Christmas card and envelope, sent by family to internee Giuseppe Costantini at Petawawa Internment…
Report of Capital Trust Corporation Ltd to Custodian of Enemy Property, September 19, 1940, regarding…
Letter from Fr. Philippe M. Forguis(?), written in Italian, to Giuseppe Costantini, February 1, 1941.…
Letter from Frank Costantini, to his father Giuseppe Costantini, December 5, 1940. Frank expresses…
Statement of Giuseppe Costantini, to Canadian National Railways, March 25, 1941. The document records…
Letter from the Superintendent of Personnel, to J.P. Ebbs, Canadian National Railways, Montreal, QC,…
Letter from J.P. Ebbs, to Giuseppe Costantini, December 3, 1940. Ebbs seems to be acting in a legal…
Letter from J.P. Ebbs, to Giuseppe Costantini, January 6, 1941. Ebbs seems to be acting in a legal…
This two-page typewritten declaration by Marcelle Dieni, is identified as a translation and was submitted…